There are many reasons for our increasing lifespan. Industrialization introduced water and sewage systems that led to a reduction in infectious diseases, therefore, better public health followed. Technology such as engines and motors of all kinds, transportation, electric light, central heat, air conditioning, home insulation. Antibiotics added to advances in medicine and nutrition as major factors […]
Safety In The Home
Positive Living Solution will cover topics to educateand promote living a healthy and safe lifestyle. Achieving this calls for a willingness to adapt to change as we advance in years because in doing so we will prepare to avoid disabling injuries and health issues. Knowledge is power, and whether we like it or not, growing […]
Why Positive Living Solutions?
Positive Living Solution will cover topics to educate and promote living a healthy and safe lifestyle. Achieving this calls for a willingness to adapt to change as we advance in years because in doing so we will prepare to avoid disabling injuries and health issues. Knowledge is power, and whether we like it or not, […]
Is It Time To Move To Assisted Living?
Most elders plan to continue living in the home where they raised their family, known today as aging in place. Maintaining such independence works best when the home has been modified, preferably using universal design principles. Normal changes as we age create vision and balance challenges which can be minimized through an assessment of environmental barriers […]
Where To Live In Retirement?
We frequently hear that Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, will change aging as we know it today. Yet how many seriously consider where, and how, they will live when they grow older, or at retirement, taking normal factors of aging into account? As a Boomer, familiar with options in senior living, I’m often […]